Saturday, October 23, 2010

Connect to Wifi Access Point in Slackware terminal

Few days ago I have decide to use slackware linux distro, first impression of this linux distro is hard and unfriendly (LOL). But I have decide to try it, don't give up. After finish installation, I try connect to Wireless Access Point in my campus and have problem about it :(

After browsing about the problem, I get solution to solve this problem:

  1. Fist you must turn on network interface

    tnto@slackware#ifconfig wlan0 up

  2. Assign essid value

    tnto@slackware#iwconfig wlan0 essid "Merpati 24"

  3. Request IP Address from DHCP Server

    tnto@slackware#dhcpd wlan0


  1. great....thanks for sharing

  2. I don't usually comment but I gotta tell thank you for the post on this special one :D.
