Monday, June 28, 2010

Say goodbye to compiz

This is my second day work in Linux without compiz animation and feel better without it. I'm still remember that in one year ago compiz is my weapon  to recruit or invite my friends in order to use linux as main operating system in his/her PC or laptop. The reason why I disable compiz in my computer is "I want to allocate my computer resources for better experience computer programming". Compiz animation just an option, it will be very  important for some persons and will be something useless for the others one.


  1. Same here, I don't like program that take too much resource.

  2. Wew..can't believe you have disabled it, ha2 LOL

  3. When I see the title i thought the compiz development will be discontinued.

  4. Maybe some ubuntu user will disagree if compiz development disappear or stopped
